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Nanda Devi National Park Trek 2019

Community Owned Tourism in Nanda Devi National Park

Sitoon Idols, Lata Village
Nanda Devi National Park
This website provides links to detailed information about the history, geography, and cultural heritage of the NandaDevi National Park and trekking in the Himalayas. This is an attempt to create a bridge between the global travelers and local people of Lata village, the gateway to the Nanda Devi National park. In case you want to visit Nanda Devi National Park, the best option is to talk to the people who actually live in that area and are the real custodians of the natural and cultural wealth of the region. This webpage offers a unique interpretive trek to the Nanda Devi, managed by the local community of Lata. All the services are professionally managed  including  pickup and travel logistics from the Delhi airport if required.

The Campaign for community owned tourism in Nanda Devi is almost two decades old. Follow links to know more about our Campaign for Cultural Survival and Sustainable Livelihoods in the High Himalayas. The Nanda Devi Campaign has received international recognition including World Travel and Tourism Council’s people  award.

WTTC People's Award for Nanda Devi Campaign

 Interpretive Nature Trail to Nanda Devi National Park

Why Interpretive Trek !

An interpretive trek is a communication tool to make aware the visitors about the various aspects of the destination. Most often the trip to a popular destination ends up by just physically browsing  a place without any takeaways in terms of knowing the ‘value’ of that place. An interpretive trail designed for nature and cultural interpretation actively engages the visitors revealing different aspects and telling stories as the visitor walks along the trail. 

If you are looking for more in-depth information about the nature and culture of Nanda Devi, we advice you to visit the blog post by Narendra, a village Lata based lodge owner and a core member of this campaign. His views are definitely subjective but the compilation of information is authentic. Click here for detailed information on Nanda Devi.

The Main objective of this web-page is to inform you about the community led unique interpretative trekking option in the Nanda Devi National Park. Starting from 29 April to 17  June 2019, you can avail the opportunity to join the Interpretive Trek to Nanda Devi National Park. The aim of the interpretative trek is to offer an all immersive experience of the physical and cultural landscape of the Nanda Devi region. Efforts are on to establish a museum and interpretation center on bio culture diversity of the Nanda Devi Region. 

The interpretive trek  takes you to the boundaries of the Nanda Devi National Park, a World Heritage Site for natural diversity. You will be camping at clifftop campsite at Kanook and at Lata Kharak below the treeline. The trek also provides the opportunity to visit Saini Kharak, at the top of the riverine Rishi gorge which is considered to be amongst the most difficult canyons in the world to negotiate. However you won't be doing any climbing but will approach from the much gentler Lata-Kharak side. The maximum altitude gain during the trek is 4180 m at Jhindidar, from where the trail descends to village Tolma, a beautiful small Himalayan village of  18 families only.

Its a six days program including two days of travel from the nearest railway station/airport near Rishikesh/Haridwar. The reporting center of the trek is at Devangan Lodge, village Lata.

Thank you
Samanya !

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Nanda Devi National Park Interpretive Nature Trail 2019


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